Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Comparing Invertebrates & Vertebrates Project

Today I am going to share about some of my favorite invertebrates and vertebrates.  Out of my invertebrates, the dragonfly is an athropod and the snail is a non-athropod.  My vertebrate is a lion.

The animal I am going to talk about first is the snail.  The snail is a non-athropod.  A snail's class is molluscan and it's phylum is gastropoda.  This means it is a mollusk with a single multi-chambered shell.  Their environment is almost anywhere.  This includes ditches, deserts, ponds, and the ocean.  They seem to adapt to almost any habitat,  whether they need to adapt to less water or more water.  They are in the middle of the food chain because they eat plants and are eaten by other animals, including people.

The next animal I want to talk about is the other invertebrate, the dragonfly or also know as the Damselfly.  The dragonfly is an athropod that lives in wet, swampy areas such as ponds, lakes, and marshes.  They adapt to their environment by having good eye sight and very high flying speed.  As for the food chain, they are one of the highest insects on the food chain.  Nothing really hurts them, but on the other hand, the dragonfly hurts mosquitos, flies, bees, ants, and sometimes butterflies.  They don't have much effect on humans and vice-versa.  Humans do enjoy looking at them.

The last animal I want to talk about is a vertebrate, the lion.  Lions live in the Savannah, which is a desert with very few trees.  They adapt to their hot environment by having short, light colored fur to keep them cool.  Lions can increase their sense of smell when they yawn.  A lions mouth curves into somewhat of a smile.  He takes in smell particles to the roof of his mouth to the jacobson organ.  This increased sense of smell helps him to track food down quickly, making him a good hunter.  Lions tend to travel in prides, or groups of lions, for safety.  People and lions are pretty equal on the food chain.  Although people are probably higher because they have guns.  They keep the wildlife population down. 

God created a wide variety of animals to show His power and creativity!

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